施工技术 2013年2月上 94 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第3期 D0I:10.7672/8gjs2013030094 天津美术馆超高玻璃肋全玻璃幕墙施工技术* 郑宜坤,刘国昌 (中建三局装饰有限公司,北京100070) [摘要]天津美术馆主人口玻璃肋全玻璃幕墙作为目前国内已知高度最高的玻璃肋全玻璃幕墙,在施工中出现玻 璃肋大面积爆裂,需拆除后重新施工.通过专家论证,对玻璃肋爆裂原因进行分析,重新制定设计与施工方案,并 介绍具体设计方案和施工流程中的重点注意事项.结果表明,通过设计及施工方案的优化,有效确保了工程质量. [关键词]玻璃幕墙;玻璃肋;设计;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU767.6 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)03-0094-04 Construction of All-glass Curtain Wall with Super-high Glass Rib in Tianjin Museum Zheng Yikun Liu Guochang Decoration Company of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Beijing 100070 China) Abstract:The full-glass facade in the main entrance of Tianjin Museum is the highest facade with super- high glass rib in China.Extensive cracks were observed to occur to the glass rib during construction and as a result the full-glass facade had to be demolished and reconstructed.The reasons for the crack were analyzed through an expert panel's review and the design was remade with the construction scheme rearranged.The key points in the design scheme and the construction process were introduced in detail. The results show that the quality of reconstructed full-glass facade is satisfactory. Key words:curtain wall;glass rib;design;construction 1工程概况 夹和玻璃肋连接饰面玻璃,幕墙重力等竖向荷载全部 天津美术馆坐落于天津市河西区友谊路与平 由上部结构梁承载,因此幕墙玻璃自然垂直,板面平 江路交口,地处文化广场的核心位置,总建筑面积 整,并且在地震或大风冲击下,整幅玻璃幕墙在一定 2.8万m2.主入口14m高的幕墙采用玻璃肋全玻 限度内做弹性变形,避免了应力集中. 璃幕墙,为国内已知最高的单块玻璃肋板块,极大 3)装饰效果强由于吊挂玻璃幕墙板块分格尺 地提高了美术馆的通透性. 寸大,饰面玻璃自然垂直,板面平整,避免了映射 2玻璃肋全玻璃幕墙特点 凌乱. 1)通透性好无钢支撑骨架,也无拉索、拉杆 4)施工速度快吊挂幕墙施工工...
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