施工技术 2016年4月下 86 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第8期 D0I:10.7672/8js2016080086 天津自贸区拱门钢桁架施工工艺与 施工过程仿真分析 张倩12,余流1 2,樊云鹏1,朱芳12,王大磊12 (1.中国建筑第六工程局有限公司,天津300451; 2.天津市土木工程绿色建造与节能技术企业重点实验室,天津300451) [摘要]天津自贸区拱门钢桁架安装工期紧,且桁架横跨行车主干道,为减少对道路交通的影响,本工程采用工厂 加工、道路一侧拼装成两段再吊至安装位置合拢的施工方法.在高空合找对接时,搭设临时支撑架对桁架进行高 空落位和位置调节.对不同施工工况进行过程仿真分析,保证施工安全和施工质量. [关键词]钢结构;拱门;桁架:施工工艺;数值模拟 [中图分类号]TU391.9 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)08-0086-03 Construction Technology and Process Simulation Analysis of Steel Truss Arch of Pilot Free Trade Zone in Tianjin Zhang Qian'.2 Yu Liu'.2 Fan Yunpeng' Zhu Fang'.2 Wang Daleil.2 (1.China Construction Sixth Engineering Division Co.Ld.Tianjin 300451 China;2.Tianjin Corporate Key Laboratory of Green Construction Energy-saring Technology of Ciril Engineering Tianjin 300451 China) Abstract:Steel truss arch of pilot free trade zone in Tianjin was expected to be installed in a short time and it crosses the main road.To reduce the influence on traffic the construction method of this project is processing in factory assembling to two parts on one side of the road hoisting to the installation site to close.During dosing temporary supports are set up to make the steel truss on position and adjust the height.The different construction conditions were simulated to assure safety and quality. Key words:steel structures;arch;trusses;construction;simulation 1工程概况 d508×12 腹杆均为245×8,材质Q345B 桁架质 天津自由贸易试验区3个标志性拱门之一位于量约130t. 天津市中心商务区天津大道与迎宾大道交口,造型 2施工工艺 简洁,外观大气,如图1所示. 本工程工期紧,准备、采购和施工仅有28d 且 处于农历春节...
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