2014年7月上 施工技术 第43卷第13期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 1 D01:10.7672/sgjs2014130001 天津高银117大厦工程超大深基坑降水 关键技术研究与应用* 侯玉杰,余地华,艾心荧,叶建,黄晓程 (中建三局集团有限公司工程总承包公司,湖北武汉430064) [摘要]针对天津滨海地区复杂软土沉积层厚度大、地下水位高、水量丰富、水动态变化幅度大、基坑降水易出现安 全事故等特点,通过总结分析天津高银117大厦工程超大深基坑降水设计及施工经验,探讨了滨海地区双层承压 水超大深基坑降水关键技术,最后介绍了两种基坑降水创新技术:基于“连通器”效应的混合井降水技术和基坑降 水自动维持控制系统. [关键词]地下工程;高层建筑;深基坑;降水;试验;监测 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)13-0001-05 Research and Application of Dewatering Key Technology of Ultra-large and Deep Foundation Excavation in Tianjin Goldin Finance 117 Project Hou Yujie Yu Dihua Ai Xinying Ye Jian Huang Xiaocheng General Construction Company of CCTEB Group Co.Ltd. Wuhan Hubei 430064 China) Abstract:Safety accidents always occur in the construction of foundation excavation dewatering because the soft soil deposit has the characteristics of great thickness rich groundwater high and great variation of groundwater level.This paper summarized and analyzed the experience of dewatering design and construction of ultra-large and deep foundation excavation in Tianjin Goldin Finance 117 project.The key technology of ultra-large and deep foundation excavation dewatering with two layers of confined water is discussed.Two new dewatering technologies were introduced such as mixed wells technology based on municating vessel and automatic control system for foundation excavation dewatering. Key words:underground;tall buildings;deep foundation excavation dewatering;tests;monitoring 0引言 天津高银117大厦工程超大深基坑所处地质环 在地下水位较高...
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