施工技术 2012年10月下 22 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第375期 天津高银117大厦异形多腔体巨型钢柱施工分段研究 王宏,戴立先,朱邵辉,宫健,吕黄兵,胡宜婷 (中建钢构有限公司,广东深圳518040) [摘要]天津高银117大厦地下室巨型钢柱平面尺寸和用钢量特别大.地下室阶段单根钢柱高度19.25m 质量约 1800t 平面最大尺寸24m×22.5m 最大截面积180m2 分为26个腔体单元.单根巨型钢柱的体量及尺寸在国内钢 结构施工领域均前所未有,钢柱的施工分段及现场拼装焊接的难度非常大.阐述在施工中所采用的巨型钢柱施工 方法及依据,指出此类异形多腔体巨型钢构件的施工分段需综合考虑多方面因素,寻求最平衡方案. [关键词]高层建筑;钢柱;异形;多腔体;施工分段;研究 [中图分类号]TU758 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)20-0022-02 Construction Phase Segmentation Research of Special-shaped Multi-cavity Giant Steel Columns of Tianjin Gaoyin 117 Mansion Wang Hong Dai Lixian Zhu Shaohui Gong Jian L Huangbing Hu Yiting China Construction Steel Structure Co.Ld.Shenzhen Guangdong 518040 China) Abstract:The basement giant steel column of Tianjin Gaoyin 117 Mansion building whose plan size and the steel use of volume are particularly huge.The basement's single steel column height is 19.25 meters weight is 1 800 tons the largest plan size is 24 meters by 22.5 meters the biggest cross sectional area is 180 square meters which is divided into 26 cavity units.The volume and size of single steel column both are unprecedented in the domestic steel structure construction field the scene of assembling segmented sub-section and assembly welding are very difficult.The authors describe the method of giant column assembling segmented sub-section.It is pointed out that prehensive factors should be considered for this special-shaped multi-cavity giant steel columns to find the most balance scheme. Key words:tall build...
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