施工技术 2017年6月下 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第46卷第12期 D0I:10.7672/8js2017120008 天津高银117大厦水平结构施工节奏管理研究 席黎明1,吕岩2,叶建3,董志国3 (1.高银地产天津有限公司,天津300384;2.天津城市建设大学,天津300384: 3 中建三局集团有限公司工程总承包公司.湖北武汉430064) [摘要]天津高银117大厦采用“不等高同步攀升”工法进行施工,核心筒竖向结构采用低位顶升模架作为施工平 台,超高层建筑水平结构的施工相比于竖向结构的施工组织更为复杂,由于低位顶升模架系统在设计之初对于水 平结构的施工考虑不全面,导致水平结构施工滞后于竖向结构施工.天津高银117大厦水平结构施工节奏的形 成,是通过在内筒设计机械提升装置、创新施工材料运输方式并经过系统地对整体施工工序的创新设计来实现的. 而水平结构的施工与竖向主体结构的施工相互影响,并综合形成大厦主体结构施工的整体节奏. [关键词]高层建筑;施工体系;水平结构;施工节奏 [中图分类号]TU974:TU721 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2017)12-0008-03 Rhythm Management Research on the Horizontal Structure Construction of Tianjin Gaoyin 117 Building XI Liming' LU Yan2 YE Jian DONG Zhiguo (1.Goldin Properties Tianjin Lad.Tianjin 300384 China;2.Tianjin Chengjian Unirersity Tianjin 300384 China; 3.General Construction Company of CCTEB Group Co.Ltd.Wuhan Hubei 430064 China) Abstract:Compared with the construction organization of the vertical structure the horizontal structure is more plex in Tianjin Gaoyin 117 Building.The design of the jack-up formwork system is inprehensive in construction of the horizontal structure it leads to the progress of the horizontal structure which is seriously leg behind that of the vertical structure.The new construction rhythm formation of the horizontal structure is obtained by means of redesigning the mechanical lifting device in the core tube modifying the transportation ways of the construction materials and systematically innovative design on the whole construction process.The...
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