2015年1月下 施工技术 第44卷第2期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY D0I:10.7672/8gjs2015020001 天津高银117大厦钢板剪力墙模板加固创新 技术研究与应用* 田军1 2,艾心荧2 (1.武汉大学土木建筑工程学院,潮北武汉430072; 2.中建三局集团有限公司工程总承包公司,湖北武汉430064) [摘要]混凝土流动性引起的胀模或爆模问题一直困扰着广大工程建设者,而超高层建筑钢板混凝土组合剪力墙 施工多采用自密实混凝土,其流动性和浇筑高度较常规建筑中的混凝土均更大,因而该问题愈发突出严峻.依托 天津高银117大厦钢板-混凝土组合剪力墙模板工程实际,从加固装置构成、技术原理、技术特点、经济效益及应用 前景5个方面,系统介绍了2种适用于超高层钢板-混凝土组合剪力墙模板工程的模板加固创新技术:散拼模板加 固技术一利用栓钉无焊接加固、定型大模板加固技术—一接驳器穿“衣服”的高强螺杆,实际应用效果良好. [关键词]高层建筑;钢板混凝土组合剪力墙;模板;加固;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU755.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)02-0001-04 Research and Application of Innovative Technology of Formwork Reinforcement of Steel Plate Shear Wall in Tianjin Gaoyin 117 Building Tian Jun'.2 Ai Xinying (1.School of Civil and Architectural Engineering Wuhan University Wuhan Hubei 430072 China; 2.General Construction Company of CCTEB Group Co. Ld. Wuhan Hubei 430064 China) Abstract:The problem of formwork expanding has always troubled the constructors.Moreover the fluidity and height of self-pacting concrete which is always used in steel plate concrete posite shear wall of super high-rise building is greater than that of the concrete of normal buildings which makes the problem more seriously.Based on the formwork engineering of steel plate concrete posite shear wall of Tianjin Gaoyin 117 Building two kinds of innovative technology of formwork reinforcement(reinforcement technology of splicing formwork-reinforcing by stud without welding reinforcement technology of typical large formwork--connector and high-s...
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