施工技术 2012年2月上 22 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第358期 我国夏热冬冷地区绿色建筑发展及技术应用 程志军,叶凌,陈乐端 (中国建筑科学研究院,北京100013) [摘要]首先通过统计2008一2010年3年间的113个绿色建筑标识项目的年度、星级、城市、省份,论述了夏热冬冷 地区对于我国绿色建筑现有项目成果的重要贡献.然后,给出了我国绿色建筑在控制性技术要求和适宜性技术应 用两方面的调查结果,重点分析了立体绿化、可再生能源、非传统水源、可调节外遮阳等四项适宜技术在夏热冬冷 地区绿色建筑项目中的应用现状.最后,展望了绿色建筑在夏热冬冷地区的发展前景,并提出了具体技术应用时 应做到基于“节流”的“开源”的理念. [关键词]绿色建筑;技术应用;可再生能源;非传统水源;夏热冬冷地区 [中图分类号]TU712;TU-1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)03-0022-05 Development and Technique Application of Green Building for Hot Summer and Cold Winter Climate Zones in China Cheng Zhijun Ye Ling Chen Leduan (China Academy of Building Research Beijing 100013 China) Abstract:The authors make a statistics on the mark items of time star grade city and province of the 113 green buildings in 2008 to 2010 show the importance of hot summer and cold climate zones for the existing research results on green building and then give the investigation results on two aspects of controlling technique requirement and sustainable technique's application.At the same time the authors analyze in detail the application status of four items of sustainable technique in green building in hot summer and cold winter climate zones of China.Finally the authors look ahead to the development prospect of green building in the zones and put forward the idea of developing resources based on saving resources what we should have when the practice technique is used. Key words:green buildings;techniques;renewable energy resources;non-traditional water resources;...