施工技术 2015年5月下 6 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第10期 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2015100006 我国建筑垃圾回收利用现状及建议* 肖绪文1.2,冯大阔,田伟3 (1.中国建筑股份有限公司,北京100037;2.中国建筑业协会绿色施工分会, 北京100037;3.中国建筑第八工程局有限公司,上海200122) [摘要]我国大规模的工程建设在促进经济发展和改善人们生活条件的同时,也产生了大量的建筑垃圾.但目前 我国建筑垃圾综合处理利用率低,已对资源和环境造成巨大的压力.首先介绍了我国建筑垃圾处理现状和产生原 因,然后阐述了“减量化、资源化、无害化、产业化”的建筑垃圾处理思路和方法,最后对推进我国建筑垃圾处理提出 了几点建议. [关键词]建筑垃圾;减量化;资源化;无害化;产业化 [中图分类号]TU74;TU746.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)10-0006-03 State and Suggestion on Construction Waste Recycling in China Xiao Xuwen.2 Feng Dakuo' Tian Wei (1.China State Construction Engineering Co.Lid.Beijing 100037 China;2.China Construction Industry Association Green Construction Committee Beijing 100037 China;3.China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Co.Ltd.Shanghai 200122 China) Abstract:A large amount of construction waste has been produced during large-scale construction which has promoted national economic development and improved people's living conditions greatly.However the construction waste recycle rate is very low and has exerted great pressure on resource and environment in China.The status of construction waste is firstly introduced and several reasons that lead to this situation are then analyzed.The ideas and methods on the point of reducing resourcing recycling and industrializing of construction waste are subsequently presented in detail.Finally some suggestions are proposed in order to promote construction waste recycling. Key words:construction waste;reducing;resourcing;recycling;in...
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