施工技术 2012年6月下 96 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第367期 施工企业工程分包确定原则与管理控制 程文香,范贵隆2,李宜忠 (1.式警水电第二总队,江西南吕330096:2.武警水电第二总队八支队,福建厦门361009) [摘要]目前,水利水电工程分包施工已是一种工程施工的方案,分包管理则是一个现代企业所必须具备的,其对 分包的管理好坏,直接影响到企业的形象和利益.如何更好地做好分包工作的管理工作,最大限度地发挥分包施 工的优势,最大能力地规避分包施工中的风险,是未来水利水电工程建设市场竞争的核心.详细介绍了工程分包 确定原则和管理控制,并就分包管理中存在的问题进行探讨,并提出解决措施. [关健词]项目管理;施工企业;分包:确定原则;控制 [中图分类号]TU-923.2:F426 【文献标识码]A【文章编号】1002-8498(2012)12-0096-03 Determination Principle and Management Control on Subcontracting Management of Construction Enterprise Cheng Wenxiang' Fan Guilong? Li Yizhong' (1.No.2 Hydropowver Force of Armed Police Nanchang .Jiangsi 330096 China: 2.No.8 Detachment No.2 Hydropower Force of Armed Police Xiamen Fuyjian 361009.China) Abstract:At present construction subcontracting of construction of water conservancy and hydropower project is a construction program.Subcontracting management is necessary for all the modern enterprise and its management of sub-quality directly affects corporation image and interests.How to do better managerment of subcontracting and maximize the advantages of sub-construction and the capacity to avoid the risk of sub-construction is the core for the future water conservancy and hydropower project construction market petition.The determination principle and management control are introduced and some problems in the subcontracting management are discussed and the suggestions are given to solve these problems. Key words:project management;construction enterprise:subcontracting;...
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