施工技术 2014年8月上 98 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第15期 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2014150098 施工企业工程成本控制关键风险因子识别* 孙莉 (上海建峰职业技术学院,上海201900) [摘要]工程成本控制的前期工作之一是识别影响成本控制的关键风险因子,常涉及专家对风险因子的定性评价, 然而此评价带有一定程度的模糊性和随机性.为此,提出一种基于李克特量表、正态云发生器和德尔菲法的综合 评价方法,在文献回顾得到施工企业工程成本控制风险因子和问卷调查得到专家对各风险因子定性评价的基础 上,展开对关键风险因子的识别,以逐步可视化控制专家对于风险因子定性评价的模糊性和随机性.结果可以简 单直观地识别出3个关键风险因子:项目管理经验、工人技术水平、各方沟通和协调. [关键词]项目管理:施工企业;成本控制;风险 [中图分类号]TU714 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)15-0098-04 Identification for Key Risk Sub-factors of Project Cost Control in Construction Enterprises Sun Li Shanghai Jianfeng Vocational and Technical College Shanghai 201900 China) Abstract:Identifying key risk sub-factors affecting cost control is one of the preliminary work during project cost control which often involving experts qualitative evaluation with a certain degree of fuzziness and randomness to risk sub-factors.Focusing on the problem a prehensive evaluation method based on Likert scale normal cloud generator and Delphi method was proposed.On the basis of acquired project cost control risk sub-factors in construction enterprises through literature review and experts qualitative evaluation to each risk sub-factors by questionnaire method this paper identifies key risk sub- factors and gradually controls the fuzziness and randomness of qualitative evaluation derived from specialists evaluation to the key degree of risk sub-factors visually.Consequently three key risk sub- factors were simply and intuitively identified including project mana...