施工技术 2016年5月下 60 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第10期 D0I:10.7672/8js2016100060 生态建筑腔体被动式通风策略分析 李晓丹,李文婧 (中国矿业大学(北京)力学与建筑工程学院,北京100083) [摘要]生态建筑具有有机整体性,所以,被动式通风效果的充分发挥,在整体设计上应关注建筑位置、朝向、形状 等:在表皮设计上应关注外墙形式及导风构件等;在室内设计上,对应空气在建筑腔体中循环流动的研究及应用. 本文在建筑室内空间环境的研究问题上,将室内空间作为具有有机整体性的建筑腔体考虑,以被动式通风主要作 用原理为分类依据,结合典型案例,对以热压、风压为主要驱动力的腔体内部整体通风策略予以梳理研究. [关键词]生态建筑;建筑腔体;被动式通风 [中图分类号]TU834.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)10-0060-06 Ecological Building Chamber Passive Ventilation Strategic Analysis Li Xiaodan Li Wenjing (School of Mechanics Civil Engineering China University of Mining and Technology Beijing 100083 China) Abstract:The ecological building is an organic integrity.To bring the passive ventilation inside the building into full play we should not only focus on the location orientations and shape in terms of overall design the exterior forms and ventilation in terms of surface design but also the research and application of air cireulating flow in building chamber.In this paper the research of architectural interior space environment uses the main passive ventilation principle with the thermal pressures and wind pressures as the main driving force by regarding the interior space as an organic whole and the theory of passive ventilation main function as classification basis. Key words:ecological building;building chamber;passive ventilation 0引言 劣是由于缺少充足的通风.在相对温和气候下, 在空前的能源压力、生态压力和社会压力下,生态建筑可以通过腔体内部被动式通风应对该问 未来建筑活动遵循生态原则是必然趋势.生态建 题.即通过合理组织室内空间结构引导空气流动, 筑理论认为建筑同生物一样,与外界进行有机的能 将随季节变化的自然通风与少量经过调节(加...
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