施工技术 2015年10月上 12 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第19期 D0I:10.7672/8js2015190012 上海世茂深坑酒店边坡支护技术 杨媛鹏,葛乃剑,李小飞,危鼎,谢高华 (中国建筑第八工程局有限公司,上海200122) [摘要]上海世茂深坑酒店位于废弃采石坑内,如何保证边坡的稳定是本工程建设及运营的基本保证.加固时需 考虑搭设附着于陡峭不规则崖壁的操作平台.由于边坡极不规则,通过M技术配合测量防止铺索在深部相交. 通过验算、局部加固解决不规则负角度边坡的挂网喷浆. [关键词]边坡;支护;错杆;操作平台;挂网喷浆;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)19-0012-04 Slope Supporting Technology of Shanghai Shimao Chasm Hotel Yang Yuanpeng Ge Naijian Li Xiaofei Wei Ding Xie Gaohua China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau Co.Lad.Shanghai 200122 China) Abstract:Shanghai Shimao Chasm Hotel is located in the abandoned mine pit.How to ensure the stability of the slope is the basic guarantee for the construction and operation of the project.The erection attached to the steep cliff irregular operating platform needs strengthening.Because the slope is very irregular BIM technique was adopted bined with measurement to prevent cable in the deep intersection.Through calculation the local reinforcement was adopted to solve the problem that hanging net and guniting with irregular negative slope angle. Key words:slope;supports;anchor cable;operating platform;hanging net and guniting;construction 1工程概况 1)预应力错索采用无粘结自由错索,设计钻孔 上海世茂深坑酒店所在采石坑深坑长280m 宽直径170mm 设计预应力750~1750kN 设计总长 220m左右,边坡周长约1000m 面积约为36800m2 15~35m 其中自由段7~25m 错固段8~10m 钢绞 坑深约77m 崖壁陡峭,坡角约为80°.因酒店沿崖 线采用15.2-1860高强低松弛无粘结钢绞线,配 壁边坡而建,故确保边坡稳定是本工程建设及运营 筋为6~12*15.2.锚索注浆采用P.042.5R普通 的基本保证. 硅酸盐水泥,水泥净浆水灰比0.42,注浆压力 2边坡支护设计 1.0~1.5MPa 浆体强度40MPa. 本工程边坡岩性主要为安山岩,较硬...
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