2011年2月 施工技术 第40卷第3期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 67 厦门西站综合施工技术 钱增志 (中铁建设集团有限公司,北京100131) [委]厦门西是桥含建的线上式站房,分为出站层、站台层和嘉架层三个居面.整个房工程科技含量高, 施工难度大,主熏施工点包括:清水混凝土A型塔往施工、大跨度弧形钢筋混凝士箱梁施工、超长轻薄巨型铜管 整体提升施工、海复朵地用超长桂施工等,传含这些工程难点,介了庄要的施工技术. [关键词]厦门西站:巨型钢管粉:弧形箱梁:A型塔柱 [中密分类号]TU242:TU74 [文献标识码]A [交章编号]1002-8498(2011)03-0067-04 Comprehensive Construction Technology of Xiamen West Railway Station Qian Zengzhi China Railway Construction Group Co.Lad.Beijing 100131 China) Abstract:Xiamen West Railway Station is a line-type station bing station and bridge into unit.The station consists of out station layer platform layer and overhead layer which have high technological content and big construction difficulty degree.The key construction points include construetion of A-ype tower column with fair-faced concrete construction of large-span are reinforeement conerete box girder integrate lifting construction of super-Hength and lightweight mega steel pipe truss and construction of super long pipe in plex strata near sea.The authors mainly show the related construction technologies. Key words:Xiamen West Railway Station:mega steel pipe truss:are box girder:A-type tower column 1工程概况 厦门西站工程总建筑面积达162409m2 其中 站房109028m2 站台雨莲53381m2 建筑总高度达 66.78m.主站房平面投影为工字形,宽132m 长 219.5m.厦门西客站由站房及站台雨篷工程、刚架 桥、地铁土建预留工程几个部分组成.厦门西站房 C 采用高架候车与线下出站式布局,旅客流线采取 “上进下出”的形式,将车站分为出层、站台、高 架层三个层面. 站房桩基采用流聚护壁钻孔混凝土灌注桩,桂 图1钢屋盖衍架 长最大为80m:1 2层采用钢筋混凝土框架结构,楼 Fig.1 The truss of steel roof 面梁采用现浇钢筋混凝土双向有黏结预应力梁,跨 2主要施工技术难点 度最大为33m 楼板为钢筋混凝土现浇板:屋盖采...