施工技术 2014年11月上 86 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第21期 D0I:10.7672/5js2014210086 启东地区吹填海砂土改良试验研究 喻国轩1,李淑娥2,金明东2,陈志明2,瞿健3 (1.上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,上海200240;2.南通市公路管理处,江苏南通226000; 3.启东市交通运输局,江苏启东226200) [摘要]本着“就地取材、变废为宝”的原则,应用吹填海砂土进行路基填筑,经济效益较大,但是海砂土工程性能 差,黏聚力小,地基土强度不易达到标准,需要使用无机结合料对其进行改良.通过土工试验测定吹填海砂土的基 本性质,设计分别使用石灰和水泥改良吹填海砂土的试验方案,按照设计方案对改良后的海砂土进行界限含水率、 无侧限抗压强度和三轴剪切试验.结果表明,采用石灰改良方案能有效提高抗剪强度,降低吹填海砂土的塑性,改 善海砂土的工程性能. [关键词]地下工程;路基;吹填海砂土;经济效益;改良 [中图分类号]TU753.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)21-0086-04 Experiment and Study on the Improvement of Dredger Fill Sand in Qidong Area Yu Guoxuan' Li Shue2 Jin Mingdong? Chen Zhiming? Qu Jian' (1.School of Naval Architecture Ocean and Civil Engineering Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai 200240 China; 2.Nantong Transportation Engineering Management Department Nantong Jiangsu 226000 China; 3.Qidong Transportation Department Qidong Jiangsu 226200 China) Abstract:For the principle of“obtaining raw material locally turning waste into treasure" the dredger fill sand is applied to roadbed fillings.Although with the high economic benefit the dredger fill sand has characteristics of poor project performance and low cohesive force.The strength of the foundation soil is not easy to reach the standard.Therefore inorganic binder is applied to reinforce the dredger fill sand.A series of basic soil tests on the treatment of dredger fill sand with lime and cement are done such as limit water content unconfined pressive strength and the three axis shear test in ...