2012年10月上 施工技术 第41卷第374期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 79 唐家山隧道施工特性及时空效应研究 霍晓龙,陈寿根,张小明 (西南交通大学交通隧道工程教育部重点实验室,四川成都610031) [摘要]以汶川灾后重建的唐家山公路隧道为背景,采用FLAC3软件建立隧道三维模型,模拟了隧道在不同施工 方式中围岩随时间和空间变形的过程,并结合现场实测数据,重点分析了拱顶沉降、水平收敛和掌子面的挤出位 移.结果表明:软岩隧道围岩稳定很大程度上受到隧道的时空效应影响,施工中要综合选择开挖方式,既要考虑围 岩先行变形,也要考虑掌子面的挤出变形,同时通过早期闭合支护来控制围岩的后方变形. [关键词]隧道工程;软弱围岩;时空效应;数值模拟;监测;水平收敛;沉降 [中图分类号]TU94;U459.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)19-0079-05 Study on Construction Characteristic and Temporal-spatial Effect of Tangjiashan Tunnel Huo Xiaolong Chen Shougen Zhang Xiaoming (MOE Key Laboratory of Transportation Tunnel Engineering Southwest Jiaotong University Chengdu Sichuan 610031 China) Abstract:Taking Tangjiashan highway tunnel which was reconstructed after the Wenchuan earthquake as background a three-dimensional model was constructed for the tunnel using software FLAC3D to simulate the rock deformation with time and space in different ways of tunnel construction.Combined with the field measurement the vault settlement the level convergence and the extruded displacement of the working face were analyzed in detail.The results show that stability of surrounding rock in soft rock tunnel is significantly influenced by temporal-spatial effect of the tunnel.As a result prehensive considerations should be made during the selection of excavation methods i.e.both the rock deformation 、一and the extruded deformation of the working face.At the same time the rear rock deformation should be controlled by early closed supporting....