施工技术 2012年9月下 98 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第373期 天津泰达广场深大基坑部分逆作法施工技术 鲁卫康,顾春风,陈珍刚,董秀福 (浙江中成建工集团有限公司,浙江绍兴312000) [摘要]以天津泰达广场A 区裙房及中央广场工程项目施工为工程背景,介绍了深大基坑中央区域通过盆式开 挖、继而作该区域地下结构,周边地下1层楼板以下结构完成后土方暗挖的施工工艺流程.在实施过程中应用 了周边逆作结构楼板土胎模施工技术、土方暗挖技术、钢筋预埋及混凝土浇筑技术等.实践证明,该技术的应用具 有缩短工期、经济效益好、对周边环境影响小等优点. [关键词]高层建筑;地下工程;基坑;周边半逆作;暗挖;土胎模 [中图分类号]TU245 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)18-0098-04 Partially Reverse Construction Technology of Deep and Large Foundation Excavation in Tianjin Teda Square Lu Weikang Gu Chunfeng Chen Zhen'gang Dong Xiufu Zhejiang Zhongcheng Construction Group Co.Lad.Shaoxing Zhejiang 312000 China) Abstract:Taking podium of area A and B and central square project in Tianjin Teda Square as example the process of partially reverse construction method for the deep and large foundation excavation is introduced.The process can be described as follows:firstly excavating the central area in basin-shape and secondly constructing the underground structure of the central area with normal method then cover excavating the soil after the surrounding slab structure finishing under the slah of basement.A series of key technologies are adopted such as soil formwork for the reverse constructed surrounding slab cover excavation of soil reinforcement bars embedding and concrete pouring.It proves that constructing with the mentioned technology can shorten construction time with good economical benefits.Moreover the technology has smaller influence to the surrounding environment. Key words:tall ...