施工技术 2011年7月上 62 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第40卷第344期 强夯加固吹填地基振动传递机理及减振措施研究 张大伟,郭立英2,乔京生3,李娄山4 (1.唐山市建设工程质量监督站,河北唐山063000; 2.唐山市住房和城乡建设局,河北唐山063000:3.唐山学院,河北唐山063000: 4.河北联合大学,河北唐山063000) [摘要]根据曹妃甸工业区的强夯工程实例,研究了不同夯击能下强夯振动在沿海吹填地基中的衰减规律,提出了 水平方向和垂直方向加速度的衰减经验公式.研究分析了在不同深度、宽度及充填物条件下隔振沟对强夯振动传 递的影响和减振效果.结果表明,隔振沟深度对减振效果有较大影响,深度越深减振效果越好,但存在极限深度, 在吹填地基情况下隔振沟深度一般不超过3m或被保护地下结构物(包括桩基或其他深基础)深度的1/5. [关键词]强夯;夯击能;隔振沟;减振效果;弹性模量 [中图分类号]TU472.31 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)13-0062-03 Study on Vibration Transfer Mechanism of Dredger Fill Foundation Strengthened by Dynamic Compaction and Vibration Reduction Measures Zhang Dawei' Guo Liying Qiao Jingsheng' Li Loushan' (1.Tangshan Construction Quality Supervision and Examination Station Tangshan Hebei 063000 China; 2.Department of Housing and Urban-rural Development of Tangshan Tangshan Hebei 063000.China: 3.Tangshan College Tangshan Hebei 063000 China; 4.Hebei United University Tangshan Hebei 063000 China) Abstract:Based on dynamic paction engineering of Caofeidian industrial area the authors analyze attenuation law of dynamic paction vibration under different tamping energy in dredger fill foundation and propose attenuation experience formula of horizontal and vertical vibration acceleration.They also analyze the effect of isolation trench with different depth width and fillings on vibration transfer.The results show that the depth of isolation trench has great effect which should be less than 3 meters or 1/5 depth of underground structure ...