施工技术 2017年3月上 48 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第46卷第5期 D01:10.7672/sgjs2017050048 强夯置换法在桩基纠偏中的应用 杨建华1,彭从文2 (1.江苏城乡建设职业学院土木工程系,江苏常州213147;2.长江大学城市建设学院,湖北荆州434023) [摘要]强夯置换法在软弱地基加固中得到广泛应用,如何应用其挤密效应进行桩基纠偏未见报道.以某高边坡 桩柱式挡土墙为背景,介绍采用强夯置换法进行桩基纠偏的处理方案、参数估算方法及施工质量控制要点等.实 践表明,在周边环境条件允许的情况下,只需要合理设置碎石约束墙体,就可以得到较好的纠偏效果. [关键词]桩基础;强夯置换法;纠偏;挡土墙;碎石桩;挤密效应 [中图分类号]TU753.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2017)05-0048-03 The Application of Dynamic Replacement Method in Deviation Rectification of Support Pile Yang Jianhua' Peng Congwen (1.Department of Ciril Engineering Jiangsu Urban and Rural Construction College Changzhou Jiangsu 213147 China; 2.School of Urban Construction Yangtze University Jingzhou Hubei 434023 China) Abstract:The dynamic replacement method was applied widely for the soft soil treatment at present there is not report about how to take advantage of its extrusion effect to rectify pile deviation.Take a retaining wall of a high slope for instance this paper introduces the treatment scheme and parameters calculating method of the dynamic replacement method in deviation rectification of support pile.The result shows that this method is effective which only needs a proper gravel wall layout if the surrounding condition is satisfied. Key words:piles;dynamic replacement method;deviation rectification;retaining walls;gravel piles; extrusion effect 工程中桩基由于各种原因出现偏斜,常用纠偏其用于桩基纠偏工程并取得较好效果. 方案为卸荷与加载,即在桩基偏移反向通过卸1工程概况 土或施工应力孔卸去荷载,而在偏移方向增加荷1.1工程简介 载,加载方式可以是地面堆载、锚拉以及千斤顶顶 某厂平工程,现状地面高程为71.000~ 推等.其中,千斤顶顶推是最为有效...
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