2010年1月 施工技术 第39卷第1期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 33 斯托克曼商业中心土胎模冬期施工技术 王剑峰,焦润明,贺小村,李钟,王建春 (中国建筑一局(集团)有限公司,北京100161) [摘要]圣彼得堡斯托克曼商业中心在冬期逆作施工中采用土胎模技术.在实际施工过程中,采用电阻丝对楼板 混凝土进行加热,保湿被覆盖、保温棚保温,以满足混凝土浇筑条件,并为后续混凝土养护提供条件,混凝土浇筑后 养护时及时测温.通过计算混凝土水化热确定最终黏土温度.指出土胎模冬期施工工艺及注意事项.地下1层 开挖完成后,果用土胎模法完成的混凝土顶板符合设计及当地规范要求. [关键词]基础工程;逆作法;冬期施工;土胎模;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU753.1 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2010)01-0033-03 Winter Construction Technology of Soil Mould in Stockmann Nevsky Center Wang Jianfeng Jiao Runming He Xiaocun Li Zhong Wang Jianchun China Construction First Building Group)Co.Ltd.Beijing 100161 China) Abstract:Soil mould technology is adopted in winter construction of Stockmann Nevsky Center in St.Petersburg.Concrete slabs are heated by resistance wire and coated with heat preservation quilt and shed to provide conditions for concrete pouring and curing.Moreover concrete temperature is monitored in time during curing.Authors decide temperature of clay through calculating concrete hydration heat. Furthermore construction technology and attention points of winter construction of soil mould are proposed.After excavation of first underground floor the quality of concrete floor can satisfy requirements of design and local standard. Key words:foundation engineering;top-down construction method;winter construction;soil mould; construction technology 土胎模法用成型的土(岩)层全部或部分代替现 浇混凝土的支架、模板进行施工.土胎模在常规施工 中应用较少,常用于“逆作法”及“半逆作法”施工中, 其施工简便、快捷,并可大幅度降低工程造价. 1工程概况 圣彼得堡斯托克曼商业中心项目位于圣彼得堡市 莫斯科火车站对面,地处最繁华的商业区涅瓦街东端 图1项目位置示意 (见图1).该项目...