施工技术 2010年1月 22 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第1期 斯托克曼商业中心流塑状软土地层灌注桩施工技术 李钟,贺小村,王剑峰,马宁,孙康 (中国建筑一局(集团)有限公司,北京100161) [摘要]斯托克曼商业中心位于圣彼得堡市中心,其地基土层为流塑状淤泥质软土,且地下水位较高.钻孔灌注基 础桩施工时,采用其有环保优点的旋挖钻机全套管跟进钻孔施工工艺,总结套管安装、成孔、清孔、钢筋笼吊装、水 下混凝土浇筑等施工措施.结合地质条件,在半硬质、硬质黏土中钻进不使用护筒、部分桩果用一半高度护筒加泥 浆护壁.全护简旋挖钻机钻孔施工技术工期短,保证了软土条件下施工安全,成孔及成柱质量高. [关键词]基础工程;燕注桩;流塑性软土;旋挖钻机;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU753.3 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2010)01-0021-03 Construction Technology of Bored Piles in Plastic Soft Soil of Stockmann Nevsky Center Li Zhong He Xiaocun Wang Jianfeng Ma Ning Sun Kang (China Construction First Building Group)Co.Ltd.Beijing 100161 China) Abstract:Stockmann Nevsky Center locates in the center of St.Petersburg and the foundation is in plastic soft soil with rather high underground water level.During construction of bored piles the engineers adopt environment-friendly construction technology of rotary drilling rig with full casing. Construction technologies of casing installation holes forming holes cleaning reinforcement eage hoisting and pouring of underground concrete are introduced.According to geological conditions holes can be made without casing or with half height casing and protect wall with slurry.The construction technology of rotary drilling rig with full casing can ensure construction safety in soft soil and quality of pile hole with short construction time. Key words:foundation engineering;bored pile;plastic soft soil;rotary drilling rig;construction technology 在工程基础中钻孔灌注桩已被广泛应用,尤其是 房屋建筑、水工建筑、桥墩基础施工,具有施工简...
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