2013年9月上 施工技术 第42卷第17期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 121 D0I:10.7672/sgj82013170121 曲靖体育场钢屋盖安装过程及模拟分析* 何荣,周锋,童乐为,陈以一1,朱文伟2 (1.同济大学土木工程学院,上海200092;2.云南建工钢结构有限公司,云南昆明650224) [摘要]曲靖体育场钢屋盖为大跨悬挑管桁架结构,采用“地面拼装成段、跨外分段吊装、高空对接合龙”的施工工 艺.钢屋盖结构受安装路径效应影响较大,故采用SAP2000非线性施工模块按实际逐福安装平面桁架模拟安装过 程.研究表明,大部分构件应力比集中在0~0.1,具有富足的施工安全储备;钢屋盖的“X”形单元在安装过程中的 相对独立性较好,冬季降温对体育场施工影响不大. [关键词]安装;钢结构;施工效应;模拟 [中图分类号]TU758.11 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)17-0121-05 Simulation Analysis and Erection Process of the Steel Roof for Qujing Stadium He Rong' Zhou Feng' Tong Lewei' Chen Yiyi' Zhu Wenwei (1.College of Civil Engineering Tongji University Shanghai 200092 China; 2.Yunnan Construction Engineering Steel Structure Co. Ld.Kunming Yunnan 650224 China) Abstract:The steel roof of Qujing Stadium is a large-span suspended pipe truss structure.The structure was assembled into segments hoisted outside the plan and closed in the air.The impact of process can't be neglected so the erection process was simulated and analyzed by SAP2000.Simulation on every installation step of plan truss agrees with actual situation.The result shows that the stress ratio of most members is between 0 and 0.1.The“X"structure unit is relatively independent to each other.The low temperature in winter has little influence on the construction. Key words:installation;steel structures;construction effect;simulation 国家体育中心“鸟巢”为我国复杂大跨钢结构 施工过程模拟分析是重大项目制订合理施工 提供了丰富的设计和施工经验,同时随着各类大跨方案的重要依据,是施工安全的可靠保证.曲靖市 体育场的涌现,施工人员对施工技术和施工过程中 体育中心为2014年第十四届云南省运动会主体育 体现出来的诸多技...
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