施工技术 2015年9月上 64 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第17期 D0I:10.7672/sgj82015170064 曲面模板放样设计研究 钱军,郭正兴2,刘如兵 (1.秦州职业技术学院建筑工程学院,江苏泰州225300;2.东南大学土木工程学院,江苏南京210096) [摘要]在现浇混凝土结构表面为复杂多变三维曲面,其模板形状和尺寸难以由施工图得到的情况下,运用CAD 三维建模技术建立结构的整体模型,并根据施工需要分割出表面,得到模板的形状和尺寸,解决了复杂曲面模板放 样难的问题.分析在“以直代曲”思路下,曲面曲率和模板允许偏差对模板分段尺寸的影响,提出了竖向模板分段 的原则和方法,结合2个工程实例介绍了运用CAD三维建模技术进行曲面模板设计的方法和步骤. [关键词]模板;曲面模板;CAD建模;设计;收分模板 [中图分类号]TU755.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)17-0064-03 Study on the Lofting Design of Surface Formwork Qian Jun' Guo Zhengxing? Liu Rubing' (1.School of Architecture and Civil Engineering Taishou Polytechnic College Taizhou Jiangsu 225300 China; 2.School of Civil Engineering Southeast University Nanjing Jiangsu 210096 China) Abstract:For the plex three-dimensional surface of many cast-in-place concrete structures it is difficult to determine the formwork shape and size from the construction drawings.Therefore establishing the three-dimensional model of the whole structure using CAD technology is needed to acquire the formwork shape and size and solve the difficulty of plex surface formwork lofting.For replacing curve by straight line method the influence of the curvature of a surface and the allowable deviation on the size of segmental formwork was analyzed meanwhile some principles and methods of vertical formwork segment were put forward.Combined with two project examples the design method and step of surface formwork using CAD modeling technology were also introduced. Key words:formwork surface...
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