施工技术 2010年6月 116 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第6期 深圳大运会主体育场钢结构吊装方法研究应用 严小霞,陈韬,徐聪,陈江 (中建钢构有限公司,广东深圳518040) [摘要]针对深圳大运中心主体育场钢结构工程单层折面空间网格的结构特征和施工难度,通过吊装工况的有限 元模拟计算和实际吊装情况的对比分析,重点研究了高空散件吊装和高空分块吊装在施工过程中的利与弊,并总 结出两种吊装方法在施工中互相结合、取长补短、灵活运用的优点和实践经验. [关键词]钢结构;单层折面空间网格;散件吊装法;分块吊装法 [中围分类号]TU745.2[文献标识码]A【文章编号]1002-8498(2010)06-0116-03 Study on Installation Method for Steel Roof of Main Stadium of Shenzhen Students Sports Center Yan Xiaoxia Chen Tao Xu Cong Chen Jiang (China Construetion Steel Structure Corporation Shenthen Guangdong 518040 China) Abstract:Based on structural characteristics and construction difficulties of spatial single-layer folded- surface grid structure of steel structure in main stadium of Shenzhen Students Sports Center the advantages and disadvantages of section lifting and block lifting in high altitude are researched during the process of construction by parison analysis between FEA simulation calculation under lifting load and actual lifting.Furthermore advantages are summed up about mutual bination adding to the shortings and flexible application between two lifting methods. Key words:steel structure;single-layer folded-surface grid structure;section lifting;block lifting 1工程概况 重4000t.结构的冠峰、内环位置为焊接节点,共40个 深圳大运会主体育场钢结构形式为单层折面空间(见图2).钢构件通过承力节点连接形成若干三角形 网格结构,平面形状为285m×270m椭环形,最高点高结构面,每13个三角形结构面构成一个安装单元,相 44.1m 在不同区域悬挑长度为51.9-68.4m 设计总似的安装单元通过椭形循环排列形成稳定的复杂空间 用钢量约18000t. 结构体系(见图3),即单层折面空间网格结构.结构 钢屋盖分为立面、马鞍形外圈、内圈3个部分,由的主杆件为铸钢管、焊接钢管及铸钢管焊接钢管,直 20个形状相近的结构单元呈双...