2011年2月 施工技术 第40卷第3期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 71 深圳湾体育馆焊接合拢对结构受力性能的影响分析 郭彦林,赵思远 (汤华大学土木工程,北京100084) [摇]焊接接的料件在焊健冷却后会存杆件中产生残余变形与残会应力,其焊接构件的残余变形一般会曼到 周围构件的来作用而转化为构中的残余内力.运种在结构中新情的附加残余内力对传构叠力性能极其不利, 甚至得邮部分杆件受压属服或爱断裂而美.首先研究了单个非约束由构件的焊接收缩形规律,提出了 缩变形计算公武:其次提出了一种日形刚架棋型,通过对横梁实接对接焊研究焊接连接中焊继尺寸、焊接顺席以及 周边构件的约束强弱对Π形制密体系焊接成型状态的彩响.最后以深例湾体育场焊接含就过程为研完对象,通过 等牧量原则将上迷传果应用到体育场的合挑中,出焊牧对就继周围杆件内力的影嗨不容忽视. [关键词]体育馆;焊接:残余内力:等收馆量质则 [中图分类号]TU758.162 [文献识码]A [交章编号]1002-8498(2011)03-0071-05 Welding Effects on Roof Closure Process of Shenzhen-wan Stadium Guo Yanlin Zhao Siyuan Department of Civil Engineering Tsinghua Unirersity Beijing 100084 China) Abstract:High residual stresses of members will lead to residual internal force and deformation in the structures when the member-welding is constrained by around members.This additional residual internal force in the structure may result in structural member yielding due to pression or cracking due to tension.The authors focuse on the effect of roof welding closure process of Shenzhen-wan Stadium. Welding shrinkage deformation of a single tube is studied firstly and a proposed formula for predicting welding shrinkage deformation is drawn.Then a typical H-shaped frame model is proposed to investigate the effect of welding size and welding sequence of a single beam due to the constraint provided by adjacent members.The conclusion is drawn and is used in the roof welding closure process of Shenzhen- wan Stadium based on the equal welding deformation principle.Si...