施工技术 2010年5月 50 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第5期 深填方区地基强夯及褥垫层施工技术 生志勇,王涛,王晓松2,张宏林',赵济生 (1.江苏中兴建设有限公司西南公司,重庆400020:2.泰兴市天润建筑安装有限公司,江苏泰兴225400) [摘要]重庆恒大城首期二标段A区小高层项目场地为超深回填土区,平均回填深度30m 最深达45m 多为垃圾 废弃材料堆填.采用强夯法加固地基,并在基础底设900mm厚垫层,将用于路桥建设的土工格栅用于建筑物地 基,形成刚柔结合的地基基础,地基承载力和不均匀沉降满足要求,取得较好的综合经济效益. [关键调]地基处理;强夯;褥垫层;筏板基础;不均匀沉降 [中图分类号]TU753.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2010)05-0050-03 Construction Technology of Dynamic Consolidation and Cushion for Foundation in Deep Filled Area Sheng Zhiyong' Wang Tao' Wang Xiaosong? Zhang Honglin' Zhao Jisheng' (1.Sounthtoest Branch of Jiangsu Zhongzing Construction Co.Ld.Chongging 400020 China; 2.Taixing Tianrun Construction Installation Co.Ltd.Taixing Jiangsu 225400 China) Abstract:High-rise building in a area of Chongqing Hengda City bid II)locates at supper-deep filled area and it is mainly filled with 30m depth garbage (45m in maximum).Rigid and soft pounding foundation is formed by reinforcing with dynamic consolidation method setting cushion with 900mm in thickness under the foundation and adopting geotechnical grille which is monly used in road and bridge projects.It proves that the bearing capacity and differential settlement of foundation can reach requirements and good economical benefit can be gained. Key words:foundation treatment;dynamic consolidation;cushion;raft foundation;differential settlement 1工程概况 夯后标高-1~-3m的地基承载力特征值f≥ 重庆恒大城首期二标段A区小高层项目,占地面250kPa 变形模量E0≥20MPa;夯后标高-3--6m的 积67000m2 共建27栋11层小高层建筑,建筑面积地基承载力特征值f≥200kPa 变形模量E0≥15MPa; 1...
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