影印版 Third Edition HANDBOOK OF CIVIL ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS 土木工程计算手册 供水及雨水系统设计污水处理及控制 Water-Supply and Storm-Water System Design-Sanitary Wastewater Treatment and Control TYLER G.HICKS P.E. 哈丽演業大出版社 NSTITUTE OF PRESS HANDBOOK OF CIVIL ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS Tyler G.Hicks P.E. Editor International Engineering Associates Member:American Society of Mechanical Engineers United States Naval Institute S.David Hicks Coordinating Editor George K.Korley P.E. President/CEO Korley Engineering Consultants LLC New York N.Y. Contributor LRFD Section 1 Third Edition Mc Graw Hill Education New York Chicago San Francisco Athens London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi Singapore Sydney Toronto PREFACE This third edition of this handbook has been thoroughly updated to reflect the new devel- opments in civil engineering since the publication of the second edition. Thus Section 1 contains 35 new LRFD(load resistance factor design)calculation pro- cedures.The new procedures show the civil engineer how to use LRFD in his or her daily design work and since LRFD is a preferred design method among recent civil engineering graduates the handbook is right in line with current design methods. However since an alternative design method is still used by some engineers around the world namely ASD-Allowable Stress Design-it too is covered in this handbook.Thus the civil engineer will find both methods available to him or her so a suitable design method can be chosen using the third edition of this handb...
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