2013年6月下 施工技术 第42卷第12期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 83 D0:10.7672/sgj82013120083 三峡永久船闸人字门承压条安装 邴绍锋,梁云亮,范贵隆 (武警水电第二总队,江西南昌330096) [摘要]承压条安装是人字门现场安装的重要环节,直接关系到整个结构的受力、止水效果及使用寿命.主要介绍 :三峡永久船闸北一、二闸首人字门承压条调整、号孔及环氧灌注的施工情况,同时与其他闸首的施工方法作比较, 此方法在承压条施工中取得了很好效果.使得承压条的法线方向、啮合面积、环氧垫层的厚度及密实度都符合要 求,从而保证了结构的受力与止水效果.同时还能充分利用安装脚手架,缩短了工期,确保高空施工安全. [关键词]船闸;人字门;承压条;安装 [中图分类号]TV663.6 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)12-0083-03 Installation of Bearing Strip in Miter Gate in Permanent Ship Lock in Three Gorges Bing Shaofeng Liang Yunliang Fan Guilong No.2 Hydropower Force of Armed Police Nanchang Jiangxi 330096 China) Abstract:Installation of the bearing strip is important in the installation of miter gate which directly influence load capacity effect of water stop and running life of the whole structure.This paper mainly introduces adjustment of the bearing strip hole-opening and epoxy mortar grouting in construction of miter gate in North land North 2 ship lock in Three Gorges.Comparing with the other construction method this method gains good effect.The all acceptance indexes satisfy construction requirement to ensure load capacity and effect of water stop of the whole structure.At the same time this method can take full advantage of scaffold to shorten construction period and assure construction safety in high-sky. Key words:ship lock;miter gate;bearing strip;installation 1工程概况 2承压条施工 三峡永久船闸为双线、平行、对称、连续阶梯布 先进行枕座枕垫块的安装,后对门体进行拼 置的五级特大型船闸,分南、北两线.每个闸首设1焊,待背拉杆预应力调试完后再进行门体承压条的 套(2扇)人字门,共12套.每扇人字门门体分12安装.门体承压条...
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