施工技术 2015年7月下 112 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第14期 D0I:10.7672/8js2015140112 三维放样技术在梭形格构柱制作中的应用 慈龙胜,王海亮,唐英杰,周军红,王磊,陈韬 (中建钢构有限公司,广东深圳518040) [摘要]随着计算机硬件及力学分析软件的发展应用,在桥梁工程中塔柱的结构设计越来越新颖复杂.这要求钢 结构加工制作技术也必须随之更新和改进,以适应钢结构设计的发展.以上海蕴藻浜大桥梭形格构塔柱为例,介 绍利用AutoCAD和Tekla Structures软件进行三维建模.通过软件放样建模,解决了梭形格构柱等复杂塔柱的制作 技术难题,提高了生产效率,提升了产品质量. [关键词]桥梁工程;钢结构;梭形格构柱;数值模拟;制作 [中图分类号]U445 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)14-0112-04 Application of 3D Modeling Technology in the Fabrication of Spindle Lattice Column Ci Longsheng Wang Hailiang Tang Yingjie Zhou Junhong Wang Lei Chen Tao (China Construction Steel Structure Co. Lid.Shenzhen Guangdong 518040 China) Abstract:With the development of the puter hardware and mechanical analysis software application the design of pillar in the bridge engineer structure is more and more plicated.This requires steel structure fabrication technology to be updated and improved to adapt to the development of steel structure design.Taking spindle lattice column of Wenzaobang Bridge in Shanghai as an example 3D modeling by software AutoCAD and Tekla Structure was introduced.By modeling technical fabrication problems of plex tower column such as spindle latticed column were solved which improved the production efficiency and the quality of the product. Key words:bridges;steel structures;spindle lattice column;simulation;manufacture 1工程概况 蕴藻浜大桥位于上海市嘉定区.该桥由主桥 和引桥组成,其中主桥为(353515840)m的 独塔空间索面混合梁斜拉桥,位于设计道路中心线 直线段内,跨越蕴藻浜及北侧规划亚钢路,标准段 桥面总宽35.5m. 桥塔总高111m 布置在中分带内,向主桥主跨 倾斜1...