施工技术 2011年1月 24 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第40卷第2期 上海世博会英国馆结构健康监测 罗老治,王洽亲,童若飞,程华强,沈雁冰,毛德灿2 (1.浙江大学建翼工程学,江杭州310058:2.同济大学建筑设计研究院,上海200092) [要]分基于元线转感的监测技术在上海世博会英国馆施工及展出骑段洁构健康检测方面的研究.详细南迷 了无线运程监测系统的成框架、结构健康松测方法,测点布置方案及松测数据分析理的和关术,并比了实 测值和理论计算值,及时了解结构的运行状况. [关键词]上海世博金:英国馆:应力监测:振动监测:元线传感技术 [中密分类号]TU392 [立献标识码]A [支章编号]1002-8498(2011)02-0024-04 Structure Health Monitoring for UK Pavilion of Expo 2010 Shanghai Luo Yaozhi' Wang Qiaqin' Tong Ruofei' Cheng Huaqiang' Shen Yanbing' Mao Decan2 (1.College of Civil Engineering and Architecture Zhejiang Unicersity Hangzhou Zhejiang 310058 China: 2.Architeetural Design and Research Institute of Tongji Unirersity Shanghai 200092 China) Abstract:Authors introduce the structure health monitoring research of UK pavilion in the construction and operation at Expo 2010 Shanghai which is based on wireless sensor technology.The position of wireless remote monitoring system framework methods of structure health monitoring measuring points location and testing technologies related to data analysis are discussed.it pares with the measured and theoretical values understands the operational status of the structure. Key words:Expo 2010 Shanghai:UK pavilion:stress monitoring:vibration monitoring:wireless sensors technology 1工程概况 上海世博会英国馆位于世博区片区,外型 简洁独特.展馆最大的亮点是由6万根蕴含植物种 子的透明亚克力刺杆组成的巨型“种子殿堂”. 些触须状的“种子”顶端都带有一个细小的彩色光 源,能须会随风轻微摇动,使展馆表面形成可变 的色彩和光泽,如图1所示. 英国馆主展馆的总尺寸:25m(宽)×25m(长) ×20m(高):内结构盒尺寸:15m(宽)×15m(长) 图1英馆建效果 ×10.4m(高).结构采用钢木结含体系,8根箱形 Fig.1 Effect of U...