施工技术 2016年12月上 80 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第23期 D01:10.7672/js2016230080 上海世茂深坑酒店双曲线异形钢结构施工 过程误差控制 方兴杰1,危鼎1,李峁清1,杨鸿玉2 (1.中国建筑第八工程局有限公司,上海200122;2.上海理工大学环境与建筑学院,上海200093) [摘要]上海世茂深坑酒店主体结构为带支撑钢框架结构,结构整体呈双曲异形,施工变形大.针对施工工况,运 用有限元计算分析施工过程,调整施工方案.钢结构施工过程中调节垂直和水平施工误差至设计位置.采用全站 仪监测理论变形的最大位置,并与理论计算、设计位置做对比.结果表明,调整施工方案和控制安装过程,施工误 差符合安装和设计要求,保证钢结构质量. [关键词]钢结构;双曲线;调节;监测:误差:安装 [中图分类号]TU758.11 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)23-0080-03 The Error Control of Construction Process of Hyperbolic Special-shaped Steel Structure for Shanghai Shimao Chasm Hotel Fang Xingjie' Wei Ding' Li Maoqing' Yang Hongyu2 (1.China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Co. Ltd.Shanghai 200122 China;2.School of Environment and Architecture University of Shanghai for Science and Technology Shanghai 200093 China) Abstract:The main structure of Shanghai Shimao Chasm Hotel is a steel frame structure with a supporting frame the whole structure is of hyperbolic shape and the construction deformation is large.According to the construction condition the construction process is analyzed by the finite element calculation and the construction scheme is adjusted.Vertical and horizontal errors in construction process are adjusted to the design position.A total station is adopted to monitor the deformation of the maximum position of theory. Monitoring result is pared with the theoretical calculation and the design position.The results show that the quality of steel structure is ensured by the adjustment of the construct...