2011年6月下 施工技术 第40卷第343期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 35 上海中心城区复杂地质条件下基坑围护设计与施工 王英锐,董红霞2,黄新林2 (1.上海大学土木工程系,上海200072;2.上海智富建设工程有限公司,上海200336) [摘要]对上海中心城区复杂地况的基坑围护设计与施工进行分析,研究在软土地区,尤其具有多个复杂边界条 件,不同邻近建筑、管线和地下构筑物,采取对应的避让和保护措施.运用有限元方法模拟开挖过程中无撑断面的 土体围护效果.结合实例分析喷及有限支撑措施,重力式挡土墙技术.结合坑内多种加固技术进行组合运用, 达到边界位移的稳定性控制.同时为了评价基坑围护的稳定性效果,分析了原位土体位移监测数据.结果表明采 用针对性设计,可提高设计的可行性及施工的灵活性. [关键词]软土地区;基坑围护;复杂地况;监测 [中图分类号]TU753.1 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2011)12-0035-03 Design and Construction of Foundation Excavation Supporting with Complex Geological Condition in Shanghai Center Area Wang Yingrui' Dong Hongxia2 Huang Xinlin2 (1.Department of Civil Engineering Shanghai University Shanghai 200072 China: 2.Shanghai I F Development (Group)Co.Lid.Shanghai 200336 China). Abstract:The environment around center area of Shanghai bee more plex.By researching classical foundation excavation project the design and construction of foundation excavation supporting is analyzed.In soft soil area the excavated foundation always faced to several conditions nearby such as surrounding buildings piplines and underground structures.So it is important to take useful protect methods.FEA method is used to solve the condition of foundation excavation.And the effect of retaining structure is studied.In the project several technical methods are used to meet the stability control about boundary displacement.The construction control of foundation excavation engineering is a plicated system engineering so monitoring data are analyz...
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