2014年2月下 施工技术 第43卷第4期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 35 D0I:10.7672/sgj:2014040035 上海外滩某历史建筑结构安全及抗震性能评估 商登峰 (上海同瑞土木工程技术有限公司,上海200092) [摘要]通过对上海外滩某历史建筑结构安全及抗震性能进行评估,现场检测确定了建筑结构状况、材料强度、荷 载、变形情况、完损状况和动力特性等参数,用于建立计算模型.评估时考虑填充墙、楼板翼缘截面及钢筋的贡献, 并调整梁端弯矩以充分利用跨中底筋,客观反映结构的真实性能.结果表明,大楼整体基本满足静力作用下的安 全性要求.在小震作用下,填充墙会出现一定的开裂,但结构不出现较大破坏;中震作用下,结构破坏程度有所增 大,但不会出现倒塌. [关键词]历史建筑;抗震;检测;安全 [中图分类号]TU717 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)04-0035-05 Safety and Seismic Appraisal on a Historical Building at the Bund of Shanghai Shang Dengfeng Shanghai Tongrui Ciril Engineering Technology Co.Ltd.Shanghai 200092 China) Abstract:An appraisal of structural safety and seismic performance for a heritage building at the Bund of Shanghai was conducted.According to the inspection structural conditions the material strength and loads existing deformations and damages and dynamic characteristics were determined and then they were used in the modeling of the structure.During the analysis the favorable effects of infill masonry walls and reinforced slab flanges were taken into account.The strength of the mid-span reinforcements were fully used through reducing the moments at the beam ends.The actual characteristics of the structure were then calculated.The analysis results show that the structure is safe under static loads no severe damage would occur under minor earthquakes and no collapse would occur during moderate earthquakes. Key words:historical building;seismic;detection;safety 0引言 进行评估,已成为在后续使用及修缮工作中更好地 作为上海市标志性地区,外滩保留了大...