2010年5月 施工技术 第39卷第5期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 29 上海联谊大厦二期双向同步逆作法跃层施工技术 姜向红 (上海市第二建筑有限公司,上海200080) [摘要]上海联谊大厦二期周边建筑密集,对工程施工质量要求较高.鉴于工程实际情况,采用双向同步逆作法跃 层施工,即施工时首次直接挖土至地下2层,与设计施工工况有所不同,对工程安全和质量产生重大影响.通过圈 护结构内力与变形验算证明,跃层施工导致除跃层外其他各层支撑轴力、楼层位移均有不同幅度增长,并指出跃层 施工的主要控制要求. [关键词]逆作法;跃层施工;双向间步;支撑轴力;层间变形 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2010)05-0029-03 Spring Layer Construction Technology of Bidirectional Synchronous Reversed Method in Shanghai Lianyi Building Phase IⅡ Jiang Xianghong (Shanghai No.2 Construction Co.Ltd.Shanghai 200080 China) Abstract:Shanghai Lianyi Building Phase IⅡhas strict requirements on construction quality because there are dense buildings around.According to actual conditions bidirectional synchronous reversed method and spring layer construction technology are adopted.It means that engineers directly excavate soil to the second underground floor instead of excavating by floors in design scheme.The adjusting of construction scheme will greatly affect safety and quality of the projeet.Calculating results of retaining structures stress and deformation prove that the support axial force and floor displacement increase in different degrees except spring layer.Moreover main control requirements on construction of spring layer are pointed out. Key words:reversed construction method;spring layer construction;bidirectional synchronous;support axial force:floor displacement 逆作法是广泛应用于高层建筑深基础施工中的一1工程概况 种新兴的施工工艺,它具有缩短工期、降低造价、减小 上海联谊大厦二期工程位于上海市黄浦区,西临 基坑变形、减小地下结构施工对周边环境的影响等优四...