2010年1月 施工技术 第39卷第1期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 71 上海银行数据处理中心超大深基坑土方开挖技术 李华,杜长勤,陈克明 (上海市浦东新区建设(集团)有限公司,上海200129) [摘要]上海银行数据处理中心工程基坑呈矩形,总占地面积约42000m2 采用盆式、抽条分块开挖技术.施工中 首先对称瓷筑双圆环形混凝土支撑,充分利用时空效应原理,坑边留土护壁,对称、均衡、分层挖土;采用设置环形 出土通道和南北两个出土坡道相结合的交通措施.并采用信息化施工,在基坑施工期间监测地下水位、围护结构 水平位移及支撑轴力.有效控制基坑变形,降低施工成本. [关键词]基坑;土方开挖;盆式开挖;时空效应;信息化施工 [中图分类号]TU753.1 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2010)01-0071-03 Earth Excavation Technology of Super-large Foundation Excavation of Data Processing Center for Bank of Shanghai Li Hua Du Changqin Chen Keming (Shanghai Pudong New Area Construetion Group)Co.Lad.Shanghai 200129 China) Abstract:Foundation excavation of Data Processing Center for Bank of Shanghai is rectangular with total area of 42 000m2.The foundation excavation is excavated in basin-type with multi-strips and multi- subareas.First engineers symmetrically pour double circle concrete supports then excavate soil symmetrically in multi-layers according to principle of time-space effect and leave soil around the foundation excavation to protect walls.Second they set circle path and two ramps to transport soil. Finally they adopt information construction to monitor underground water level horizontal displacement of support structure and support axial force.Then foundation excavation deformation is controlled effectively and the construction investment is reduced. Key words:foundation excavation;soil excavation;basin-type excavation;time-space effect;information construction 上海银行数据处理中心位于浦东新区经二路、纬采用一级卸土放坡结合钻孔灌注围护...
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