施工技术 2010年11月 54 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第11期 上海雪野路隧道工井不规则基坑围护设计与施工 卢辰 (上海市政工程设计研究总院,上海200092) [摘要]上海雪野路电力隧道A号电缆工井为圆形结构,兼作顶管井,其连接通风道基坑为矩形,基坑整体平面形 状不规则,开挖深度不一致且周边建筑物密集,基坑施工过程较复杂.针对上述难点,采用MW工法基坑围护方 法,并合理确定了基坑施工顺序.介绍了该基坑围护结构的设计方法及关键施工工艺.基坑变形监测结果证明该 施工过程安全可控. [关键词]电力隧道;工井;基坑围护;SMW工法 [中图分类号]TU753.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2010)11-0054-03 Design and Construction of Irregular Foundation Excavation for Xueye Road Tunnel Working Well in Shanghai Lu Chen (Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design General Institute Shanghai 200092 China) Abstract:The No.A cable working well of Xueye Road electrical tunnel in Shanghai is a circular structure.The working well is also designed as pipe-jacking well.The foundation excavation of ventilation tunnel is designed as a rectangular structure.So the difficulties for design and construction of the foundation support can be summed up as:irregular plan inconsistent excavation depth dense surrounding buildings and plex construction process.Based on the difficulties SMW construction method is adopted for supporting the foundation excavation.Moreover reasonable construction process is decided.The author introduces design method and key construction technology of the support structure for foundation exeavation.Monitoring results show that the construction process is controlled in allowable range. Key words:electrical tunnel;working well;foundation excavation support;SMW construction method 1工程概况 时黏聚力c=16.0kPa 内摩擦角=14.9°;③灰色淤 上海雪野路电力电缆隧道工程全线采用钢筋混凝 泥质粉质黏...
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