2012年7月上 施工技术 第41卷第368期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 临海粉煤灰吹填区深基坑开挖支护新工艺 高昆,田砾2,崔涛2,陈聪1,牛获涛2 (1.青岛城建集团有限公司,山东青岛266031;2.青岛理工大学土木工程学院,山东青岛266033) [摘要]临海粉煤灰吹填区城土质颗粒细腻、土质松散,承载力差.根据实际地质条件采用机械和水力排土结合该 方法进行土方开挖,开挖过程中进行放坡井倾倒碎石护坡.通过止水帷幕和降水井控制地下水,坡顶设置截水台、 坡面设置泄水管、坡底设置排水沟和集水井明排水.实践表明,对于在沿海粉煤灰吹填区复杂地质条件下进行深 基坑开挖施工其结果是安全高效的, [关键词]地下工程:深基坑;支护;粉煤灰:机械开挖:降水 【中图分类号]TU753.1 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2012)13-0009-04 Innovative Deep Foundation Excavation Technology for Large Municipal Project at Coastal Areas with Hydraulic Filled Fly Ash Gao Kun' Tian Li? Cui Tao2 Chen Cong' Niu Ditao2 (1.Qingdao Urban Conutruction Group.Qingdao Shandong 266031 China: 2.School of Cinil Engineering Qingdao Technological University Qingdao Shandong 266033 China) Abstract:At coastal areas with hydraulic filled fly ash the soil is loose with fine particles and its bearing capacity is very low.The construction site was located at the north of Jiaozhou Bay where the underground water level is high and strongly affected by sea tides.Mechanical and hydraulic soil casting methods were used in bination for soil excavation.At the same time slopes were formed and covered by gravels. Waterproof curtain and dewatering well were adopted to control the underground water level.Water- interception platform discharge pipes and Drainage ditch and well were set at the top surface and bottom of the slope respectively.The results show that the method proposed is safe and highly efficient for foundation excavation in similar areas. Key word...
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