2014年3月下 施工技术 第43卷第6期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 103 D0I:10.7672/5j52014060103 人民日报社报刊综合业务楼工程标准化安全管理 张磊 (中国新兴建设开发总公司,北京100039) [摘要]“安全生产标准化”是指通过建立安全生产责任制,制定安全管理制度和操作规程,排查治理隐患和监控重 大危险源,建立预防机制,规范生产行为,使各生产环节符合有关安全生产法律法规和标准规范的要求.它涵盖了 企业安全生产工作的全局,是企业开展安全生产工作的基本要求和衡量尺度,也是企业加强安全管理的重要方法 和手段.针对建筑施工安全生产标准化管理的形势,结合人民日报社报刊综合业务楼工程标准化管理及实践成 果,总结了其相关安全标准化管理经验. [关键词]高层建筑;项目管理;标准化;安全管理 [中图分类号]TU71 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)06-0103-02 Standardization of Safe Management for the People's Daily Project Zhang Lei China Xinxing Construction Derelopment General Co.Beijing 100039 China) Abstract:Safety standardization refers to the establishment of safe production responsibility system the development of safety management systems and procedures and monitoring the investigation and management of major hazard risks establishment of preventive mechanisms that regulate the production of behavior so that the production processes meet the relevant safety laws and regulations and standard specification requirements.It covers the global enterprise safety production work and it is a basic requirement and the measure is also important ways and means to strengthen enterprise security management panies to carry out safety production work.In this paper based on the construction safety production standardization management situation bined with the People's Daily project management and practical results the relevant safety standard management experience is summarized. Key words:tall buildings;project managem...