施工技术 2014年3月下 90 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第6期 D01:10.7672/sjs2014060090 人民日报社报刊综合业务楼异形双曲 面轻质隔墙施工技术 李铁良,袁慧,韩春莲,尤昌懋 (中国新兴建设开发总公司,北京100039) [摘要]人民日报社报刊综合业务楼工程造型新颖,部分隔墙为异形双曲面组合板墙,此隔墙具有自重轻、墙身薄、 拆装方便、节能环保、有利于建筑工业化施工等优点.结合该工程,分别从异形双曲面隔墙施工的难点及关键技术 措施等方面,详细介绍了该隔墙的施工要点,确保了分项工程的施工质量,获得了良好的施工效果. [关键词]高层建筑:隔墙;双曲面:加固;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU767 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)06-0090-02 Construction of Irregular Hyperboloid Light Partition Wall of the People's Daily Project Li Tieliang Yuan Hui Han Chunlian You Changmao China Xinxing Construction Derelopment General Co. Beijing 100039 China) Abstract:A newly constructed building of the People's Daily project with novel style is partly used hyperboloid bination partition wall.It takes advantages of lower deadweight thinner thickness easier installation and demolishing energy saving and it is also environment friendly convenient for construction.According to this project this paper describes the difficulties and key technologies of the partition wall in depth.The construction of the partition wall ensures the quality of the construction and achieves qualified results. Key words:tall buildings partition wall;hyperboloid surface;strengthening;construction 随着建筑业的发展及建筑技术的提高,技术含250mm×200mm蒸压加气混凝土砌块砌筑,其余外 量高、造型复杂、漂亮美观的建筑实体越来越多.框隔墙采用双面双层普通纸面石膏板隔墙,C1 C2 人民日报社报刊综合业务楼工程建筑造型呈“人”3格构柱部位隔墙为双曲面倾斜组合板墙,采用耐 字形,平面由核心筒、外框柱及3榀格构组合柱组 火纸面石膏板隔墙和水泥纤维压力板隔墙. 成,自下而上呈弧形分布,先向外扩,再向里收,最2双曲面隔墙特点和难点 后屋顶合龙.独特新颖的外形设计对隔墙的要求2.1双曲面隔墙特点 也相应提高,尤其是对沿建筑异形轮廓部位隔墙, 双曲面隔墙平面及立面均由曲面组成,设计新 施工要求高...