施工技术 2012年6月下 110 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第367期 健康住宅声环境要求与隔声施工技术 王军强1,黄新2 (1.江苏建筑职业技术学院,江苏徐州221116;2.龙信建设集团有限公司,江苏海门226103) 【摘要]对于健康住宅、生态住宅和3A住宅等高品质住宅,声环境符合设计要求是高要求住宅的必要条件.住宅 的隔声设计与施工在住宅领域刚刚起步,住宅隔声施工关健技术措施研究尚存在技术瓶颈和应用难题.项目围绕 健康住宅的声环境要求,结合高品质住宅试点项目,分类提出了楼板、墙体、窗户等的隔声施工技术方案和措施,并 在工程实践中进行试点和检测. [关键词]住宅工程;隔声;施工;声环境 [中图分类号]TU761.19 【文献标识码]A【文章编号]1002-8498(2012)12-0110-03 Sound Environment Requirements and Sound Insulation Construction Technology of Healthy House Residence Wang Junqiang' Huang Xin2 (1 Xuzhou Instinute of Architectural Technology Jiangs特221008,China; 2.Longxin Construetion Group Haimen Jiangsu 226103 China) Abstract:For the healthy housing ecological residence and 3A residential housing sound environment ply with the design requirements of the residence is necessary condition.Sound insulation of housing design and construction in the residential area has just started key technical measures of residential sound insulation construction existed bottleneck and application problems.Based on sound environment requirements for health house bined with high quality residential projects the thesis proposed sound insulation construction technical solutions and measures for floor wall body and window of the healthy house and the construction practice and the test were done. Key words:residence;sound insulation;construction;sound environment 随着人们生活水平的提高,对住宅提出了更高3096一2008;②《建筑隔声评价标准》GB/T50121一 要求,已由安全、适用逐步走向舒适、健康.健康住2005:③《社会生活环境声排放标准》GB22337一 宅、生态住宅、高品质住宅等高要求住宅将成为住2008...
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