施工技术 2010年7月 96 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第7期 全预制装配整体式剪力墙结构住宅施工技术 张军,侯海泉,董年才,陈洪杰,郭正兴2 (1.南通建筑工程总承包有限公司,江苏南通226124;2.末南大学土木工程学院,江苏南京210096) [摘要]全预制装配整体式剪力墙结构(PC体系)技术是一种新型结构体系,其竖向构件剪力墙、柱采用预制,水 平构件梁、板采用叠合形式;竖向构件连接节点采用浆错连接,水平构件与竖向构件连接节点及水平构件间连接节 点采用预留钢筋叠合现浇连接,形成整体结构体系.以南通市海门中南世纪城33号楼为试点,介绍其施工技术. [关键词]全预制装配整体式剪力墙结构;钢筋混凝土:施工技术 [中图分类号]TU528 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2010)07-0096-03 Construction Technology on Full-prefabricated Assembly Integral Shear Wall Structure Residence Zhang Jun' Hou Haiquan' Dong Niancai' Chen Hongjie' Guo Zhengxing? (1.Nantong Construction General Contractor Co.Iad.Nantong Jiangsu 226124 China; 2.School of Civil Engineering Southeast University Nanjing Jiangsu 210096 China) Abstract:Full-prefabricated assembly integral shear wall structure is a new kind of structure system i.e. NPC system of which some vertical members such as shear wall and columns are prefabricated and connected by mortar and bolt some horizontal members such beam and floor adopt overlapped style and the connection nodes of horizontal and vertical members or horizontal members is poured on-site with pre- buried steel bar.In this article the authors introduce construction technology of this system used in No. 33 building in Zhongnan Shijicheng project in Haimen Nantong city. Key words:full-prefabricated assembly integral shear wall structure;reinforced concrete;construction technology 1工程概况 点及叠合板混凝土浇筑. 江苏省南通市海门中南世纪城33号楼地下1层,3.2定位放线 地上10层,高32.50m 总建筑面积4556m2 剪力墙结 主控线经校正无误后,采用经纬仪将主控线引测 构.基础及地...