2011年6月上 施工技术 第40卷第342期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 全预制装配整体式剪力墙结构外墙保温技术研究 汤磊1,郭正兴1,董年才2,陈云钢1 (1.东南大学土木工程学院,江苏南京210096:2.南通建筑工程总承包有限公司,江苏海门226124) [摘要]“构件工厂化生产,施工装配式运作”是预制装配式混凝土结构的两大特点.现有的外墙保温有自保湿、内 保温和外保温3种形式,目前大力推广的是外保温.结合国内预制装配式混凝土结构的几个试点工程外墙外保温 形式,从饰面层、抹面层、保温层、错栓的运用以及防火角度、拼装过程、预制外墙板如何实现与主体结构的同寿命 等几方面述了预制装配式混凝土结构外墙保温技术的发展思路. [关键词]全预制装配整体式剪力墙;外墙保温:保湿层;技术研究 [中图分类号]TU756.4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)11-0013-03 Exterior Wall Insulation Technology Research of the New Precast Concrete Shear Wall Structure Tang Lei' Guo Zhengxing' Dong Niancai? Chen Yungang' (1.School of Ciuil Engineering Southeast Unicersity Nanyjing Jiangsu 210096 China; 2.Nantong Construction General Contractor Co.Lid.Haimen Jiangu 226124.China) Abstract:Factory production of ponents and assembled operation for construction are characteristics for the new precast concrete structure.At present there are three kinds of exterior wall insulation methods for self-insulation external and internal insulation in which extemal insulation is extensively used.Combined with several exterior wall extemal insulation styles of pilot projects from the aspects of the application of dedicated layer plaster layer insulation layer and anchor as well as anti-fire performance assembling process and how to assure the similar life of precast plate with main structure the development ideas for the new precast concrete shear wall structure are described. Key words:the new precast concrete shear wall;exterior wall insulation;insulatio...
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