2011年6月上 施工技术 第40卷第342期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 全预制装配整体式剪力墙结构节点连接施工技术 陈耀钢1,郭正兴2,董年才,朱张峰2 (1.南通建筑工程总承包有限公可,江苏门226124;2.东南大学土木工程学院,江苏南京210096) [摘要]全预制装配整体式剪力墙结构(PC)剪力墙、柱、电梯井、阳台、空调板、雨篷等构件果用工厂化预制生产, 预留注浆管及节点钢筋;梁、板等水平构件采用工厂化预制生产叠合梁、板,预留上层钢筋及端部节点钢筋.通过 现场吊装、注浆管浆错节点观浇形成整体结构体系.述了该结构体系的技术特点、适用范围.重点介绍了NPC 现场施工的关键施工技术,包括定位放线,竖向铜筋校正,构件吊装、固定、校正,浆锚节点施工,养护等. [关键词]全预制装配整体式剪力墙;节点连接;浆错节点 【中图分类号]TU756.45 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)11-0003-03 Joint Connection Construction Technology of the New Precast Concrete Shear Wall Structure Chen Yaogang' Guo Zhengxing? Dong Niancai' Zhu Zhangfeng? (1.Nantong Construction General Contractor Co.Ltd.Haimen Jiangsu 226124 China; 2.School of Ciuil Engineering Southeast University Nanjing Jiangsu 210096 China) Abstract:The ponents of shear wall column elevator shaft balcony air conditioning board and canopy in the new precast concrete shear wall structure are prefabricated in factory in which grouting pipe and joint steel bars are reserved.In addition the horizontal ponents such as beam and slab are also prefabricated in factory into posite beams and slabs in which upper and ending joint steel bars are reserved.Through hoisting on site cast-in-situ concrete of slurry and anchor joint the structure is formed integral system.The technology characteristics and application scope of this structure are described.Furthermore key construction technologies on site such as location and positioning correction of vertical steel bars hoisting fixation and correct...
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