2015年9月上 施工技术 第44卷第17期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 95 D0I:10.7672/sgj82015170095 内倾外斜单元体节能玻璃幕墙施工技术 李庆达,曾令锐,李伟铭,李蓉 (中建三局集团有限公司(北京),北京100097) [摘要]结合融科智地联想园区B座综合办公楼等4项工程内倾外斜单元体节能幕墙施工情况,分析了Low-E节 能玻璃的特性,介绍向内倾斜和向外倾斜单元体玻璃幕墙的施工部署,阐述了内倾外斜大板块单元体玻璃幕墙的 施工流程,应用该技术可提高内倾外斜单元体节能幕墙的施工效率和施工质量. [关键词]幕墙;玻璃幕墙;单元体;槽式埋件;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU767 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)17-0095-03 Construction Technology of Energy-saving Glass Curtain Wall with Introversion and Outward Inclination Unit Body Li Qingda Zeng Lingrui Li Weiming Li Rong China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co.Ltd.Beijing) Beijing 100097 China) Abstract:Combined with the construction of the energy-saving glass curtain wall with introversion and outward inclination unit body for Ray Lenovo Park Block B Office Building project as well as other 3 projects this paper analyzed the characteristics of low emissivity energy-saving glass introduced two construction deployments of glass curtain walls with introversion and outward inclination unit body.This paper introduced the construction process of glass curtain wall with introversion and outward inclination unit body in detail.In this way the technology improved construction efficiency and construction quality of the energy-saving glass curtain wall with introversion and outward inclination unit body. Key words:curtain walls;glass curtain walls;unit body;trough type embedded parts;construction 随着时代的发展,建筑造型也趋于千变万化,是集餐饮、影院、购物、办公室、会议室及各类机房 单元体幕墙有着工厂组装质量控制好、现场拼装施 于一体的高端商务写字楼(见图1). 工进度快等优点,更加适应不...
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