施工技术 2011年7月下 110 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第40卷第345期 冷弯薄壁C形开孔钢梁承载力有限元分析 刘晶波1,徐宏艳,李杰2,胡永生3 (1.清华大学土木工程系,北京100084;2.广东电力设计院,广东广州510600; 3.清华大学深圳研究生院,广东深圳518055) [摘要]近年米冷弯薄壁型钢中的腹板开孔构件得到越来越多的应用,其承载力是工程设计和分析时首先需要解 决的问题.选取净跨分别为3.5 5.5m的腹板开孔C形截面梁进行竖向静力均布荷载作用下的承载力分析,建立 了有限元模型,通过对孔间距、孔洞大小,孔边距等开孔参数进行计算分析,总结了开孔参数对开孔梁极限承载力 的影响规律,并提出开孔方式优化方案.结果表明:开孔梁的孔数和孔边距是影响开孔梁极限承载力和破坏形式 的重要因案.开孔梁优化设计时应留足孔边距和避免靠近支座处的孔间腹板受压. [关键词]冷弯薄壁型钢;腹板开孔;C形截面梁;极限承载力 [中图分类号]TU391 [文献标识码]A 【文章编号]1002-8498(2011)14-0110-05 FEM Analysis on Bearing Capacity of Cold-formed Thin-walled Steel Beam with C-shaped Section Openings Liu Jingbo' Xu Hongyan' Li Jie? Hu Yongsheng (1.Departnent of Ciwil Engineering Tsinghua Uaiversity Beijing 100084 China; 2.Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute Guangzhou Guangdong 510600 China; 3.Graduate School at Shenzhen Tsinghue Uninersity Shenzhen Cuangdong 518055 China) Abstraet:The web opening beam in cold-formed thin-walled steel system has been widely used for low- rise residential building in our country and the bearing capacity of the beam is the most important in design and analysis.The FEM analysis of two spans of 3.5m and 5.5m beams with C-shaped section and slot in web plate subjected to axial pression is carried out.Finite element model is established to analyze the influence of parameters of beam with openings to the bearing capacity and optimal scheme is proposed to improve the efficiency of structural members.The study shows that the ultimate bearing capacity and failure mode...
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