2015年10月上 施工技术 第44卷第19期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 87 D0I:10.7672/8js2015190087 利比亚Sidi Alsaeh地区强夯处理地基承载力测试 闫建1,张武,张波,张少琴2 (1.中国建筑科学研究院地基基础研究所,北京100013;2.湖北省地质察基础工程公司,湖北武汉430070) [摘要]对利比亚Sidi Alsaeh地区100O0套住宅项目强夯处理地基进行了标准贯入试验研究,并采用不同尺寸的 方形承压板对强夯处理前、后挖方和填方区域地基进行浅层平板载荷试验,得出了标准贯入试验检测Sidi Alsaeh 风积砂强夯处理地基是可行的.Sidi Alsaeh地区标准贯人试验锤击数与地基承载力存在相关性,通过浅层平板载 荷试验确定的地基承载力与压板影响深度的标准贯人试验锤击数的趋势性关系,确立了深层标准贯入试验锤击 数N的检测标准. [关键词]地基:强夯;标准贯人试验;平板载荷试验;承载力 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)19-0087-04 The Bearing Capacity Test of the Dynamic Compaction Ground Treatment in Sidi Alsaeh Libya Yan Jian' Zhang Wu' Zhang Bo' Zhang Shaoqin (1.Institute of Foundation Engineering China Academy of Building Research Beijing 100013 China; 2.Geological Inrestigation Foundation Construction Company of Hubei Province Wuhan Hubei 430070 China) Abstract:The standard penetration test did with the dynamic paction ground treatment of the project named 10 000 sets of residential in the district Sidi Alsaeh Libya.At the same time the shallow plate load test was used to the excavation and fill area before and after dynamic paction process used the different sizes square bearing plate.The experimental data shows that the wind-blown sand paction ground treatment by the standard penetration test is feasible in Sidi Alsaeh.It found a correlation between the standard penetration test hammer number and the bearing strength of the ground in Sidi Alsaeh area. According to trend relationship of the foundation bearing ...
利比亚Sidi Alsaeh地区强夯处理地基承载力测试.pdf