2015年4月上 施工技术 第44卷第7期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 87 D0I:10.7672/5js2015070087 利用BP-ANN模型进行深基坑变形预测分析的探讨 赵健赟1,哈华林2,宋宜容1 (1.青海大学地质工程系,青海西宁810016;2.青海岩土工程勘察咨询公司,青海西宁810000) [摘要]利用LM算法和自适应学习速率的动量梯度下降法对BP-ANN模型进行改进,发现LM算法在建立深基坑 变形预报模型时具有更高的学习效率,且输人量间的相关程度对网络效率无显著影响,隐含层节点数可通过仿真 误差分布图确定和优化.仿真与预测结果表明,在平稳观测时间序列内该模型其有更高的预测精度,在实际深基 坑监测预报中值得推广应用. [关键词]地下工程;深基坑;变形:预测;BP-ANN模型 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)07-0087-03 Discussed on Deep Foundation Excavation Deformation Prediction and Analysis Using BP-ANN Model Zhao Jianyun' Ha Hualin2 Song Yirong (1.Department of Geologic Engineering Qinghai University Xining Qinghai 810016 China; 2.Geotechnical Engineering Inuestigation Consulting Company of Qinghai Xining Qinghai 810000 China) Abstract:This paper improves the BP-ANN model using LM arithmetic and adaptive leaning rate gradient descent method and discovered that the former has higher efficiency in establishing deep excavation deformation prediction model.In addition the degree of correlation of the input has no obviously impact on the net's efficiency and the hidden layer's number can be established and optimized through simulation error distribution diagram.The result of simulation and predication indicated that the model has high prediction accuracy in smooth and steady observation time series and it is worthy of popularization in the practice of deep foundation excavation deformation prediction and analysis. Key words:underground;deep foundation excavation;deformation;predictio...
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