2011年1月 施工技术 第40卷第2期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 13 南京德基广场超深超体量土方暗挖施工技术 刘春安,曾广桃,曾志献,廖秋林 (北京城建集团建工程承包部,北京100088) [要]南京德基广场二期工程是目前图内规棋最大的逆作法工程之一,地下5层、地上62层.该工程裙棒采用 逆作法施工,利用地下续墙护、传构梁板作为水平支撑,工程地下室结构与基悦士方开挖立叉流水进:土方 开挖以明龙、盖挖含施,是工程体部暑的美键工序传含工程实际与设计要求,介土方开挖采用“分用、分 区、对称、流水”的施方法,基悦土方开与地下室传构工同步顺利完成. [关键词]基杭工程:暗挖:逆作法:深基悦 [中分类暑]TU473.2 [立献识码]A [交章编号]10028498(2011)02-0013-03 Undermining Technology for Super-deep Super-mass Earth Excavation in Nanjing Deji Plaza Liu Chun'an Zeng Guangtao Zeng Zhixian Liao Qiulin (Engineering Contract Department Beijing Urban Construction Group Co.Lad. Beijing 100088 China) Abstract:The second stage of Nanjing Deji Plaza is a large-scale building of sixty-wo layers main tower building layers with five layers basement.The podium part of this building is constructed by reverse construction method where diaphragm wall is used as exterior protected construction beam and slab structure serve as horizontal support.Earth excavation is a key step for the foundation and the underground horizontal structure is constructed together with earth excavation.Based on demands of design earth exeavation with layered zoned symmetrieal and streamlined are introduced.The results show that the excavation and basement construction are successful. Key words:foundation excavation:undermining method:reverse construction method:deep foundation excavation 1工程概述 的距离约17m.周边环境图1所示. 南京德基广场二期工程总建筑面和265126m2 生主塔楼和裙楼组成,主塔楼62居,总高度320m: N 裙楼地上8层,总高度59m 地下5层.基坑总面积 约16000m2 基悦周长约552m.主楼基底标高为 主楼区城 -2...