施工技术 2015年8月下 72 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第16期 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2015160072 南京青奥中心大体量LED泛光照明灯具模块化安装 邓世军,薛力,夏道宗 (中建三局机电工程有限公司,湖北武汉430064) [摘要]对南京青奥中心双塔楼及裙房工程项目的超高层塔楼外立面大体量LED泛光照明点光源施工技术进行分 析与总结.针对本工程质量要求高、高空作业难度大、点光源安装体量大、施工周期短、交叉施工密集等特殊的施 工作业环境,从点光源灯具选型安装、异形保护线槽选型安装和控制线安装上采取措施,为超高层大体量的LED泛 光照明施工提出一套模块化安装技术方案,从而有效地解决灯具安装质量、施工安全性及工期等多方面间题. [关键词]预制装配式;安装;LED泛光照明;深化设计;模块化 [中图分类号]TU976.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)16-0072-04 Module Installation of Large Volume of LED Floodlighting Lamp in Nanjing Youth Olympic Center Deng Shijun Xue Li Xia Daozong The Mechanical and Electrical Co.Lad.of CCTEB Wuhan Hubei 430064 China) Abstract:In this paper the authors analyzes and summarizes the construction technologies of large volume of LED floodlighting point light used in out elevation of super tall building in Nanjing Youth Olympic Center's twin tower and podium project.Appoint to special construction surrounding of higher requirement of engineering quality construction in high-sky large volume of point light installation short construction period and intensive crossed construction a set of module installation scheme on large volume of LED floodlighting construction in super tall building is put forward which include selection and installation of point light lamp selection and installation of special protective wire slot and control wire installation which can effectively solve some problems on the lamp installation quality construction safety and construction period. Key words:precast...
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