施工技术 2014年11月下 48 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第22期 D01:10.7672/js2014220048 南京青奥会议中心预制轻质水泥夹芯实心 隔墙板安装技术* 刘加华 (江苏工程职业技术学院建筑工程学院.江苏南通226007) [摘要]预制实心隔墙板在非承重部位代替灰砂砖、加气块等,在工期、造价、安全、节能环保等方面具有明显的先 进性和新颖性,结合南京青奥会议中心工程,详细介绍了预制轻质内隔墙施工工艺,通过深化设计及施工实践,解 决了隔墙板固定及防止开裂等技术难题,满足结构抗震及功能要求. [关键词]预制装配式;预制夹芯隔墙板;水泥夹芯;施工 [中图分类号]TU758.13 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)22-0048-03 Installation Technology of Precast Light-weight Cement Sandwich Partition Plate in Nanjing Youth Olympic Conference Center Liu Jiahua Building Engineering College Jiangsu College of Engineering and Technology Nantong Jiangsu 226007 China) Abstract:Precast wall panels is more advanced and innovative in time cost safety energy saving and environmental protection etc by replacing lime sand brick and aerated block in the non-loading bearing parts.Combing with the Nanjing Youth Olympic Conference Center project the author introduces in detail the construction technology of precast light-weight inner partition wall.Through detailed design and construction practice the technical problems such as the fixing and prevent cracking of the partition board are solved to meet the aseismic and functional requirements. Key words:precast;prefabricated hollow partition board;cement sandwich;construction 我国住宅建筑结构形式较为单一,工业化水平预制轻质水泥夹芯(聚苯颗粒)实心隔墙板具有良 总体不高,劳动生产率低.因此,研究开发一种节好的节能保温、防火、防水、力学及工作性能,适用 能保温效果佳、抗震性能好、经济实用、安装方便可范围广泛,特别适用于框架结构体系多层和小高层 靠、绿色环保的新型墙体材料意义重大.预制轻 住宅、公共建筑,以及钢结构建筑[5. 质水泥夹芯(聚苯颗粒)实心隔墙板,具有吸水率 1工程概况 低、自重低、不燃等优点,聚苯颗粒导热系数入≤ 南京青奥会议中心总建筑面积19.4万...
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