2016年10月下 施工技术 第45卷第20期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 9 D0I:10.7672/5js2016200009 南宁吴圩国际机场新航站楼大跨度预应力 鱼腹梁施工技术* 唐际宇,2,王维,梁秋莹,唐阁威 (1.中国建筑第八工程局有限公司广西分公司,广西南宁530028; 2.广西大学土木建筑工程学院,广西南宁530001) [摘要]根据大跨度预应力鱼腹梁的设计特点,针对梁底曲线变化情况,结合所选用的模板支撑体系的类型,通过 计算机放样和立杆的模数,分段匹配支撑立杆.采用调差工具,形成相匹配的鱼腹梁底曲线,并通过实物等效堆 载,检验支撑体系的承载力性能及模板曲线变化情况.同时合理安排模板安装与钢筋绑扎的穿插施工,确定主次 梁钢筋、构造筋的绑扎顺序.通过以上措施,安全、优质地完成了大跨度预应力鱼腹梁的施工. [关键词]安装工程;大跨度;预应力;鱼腹梁;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU758.11[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2016)20-0009-04 Construction Technology of Large Span Prestressed Fish-bellied Beam of Nanning Wuxu International Airport New Terminal Tang Jiyu.2 Wang Wei' Liang Qiuying' Tang Gewei (1.Guangxi Branch of China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau Nanning Guangxi 530028 China; 2.College of Civil Engineering and Architecture Guangxi University Nanning Guangxi 530001 China) Abstract:According to the design features of large span prestressed fish-bellied beam for beam curve changes with the type of the selected template support system through the puter lofting and the pole of the modulus the support vertical bars are sectionally matched.The matching fish-bellied beam curves form by the adjustment tool and through the physical equivalent pile the bearing capacity performance of the support system and the change of the template curves are tested.At the same time the interpenetration construction of installation of formwork and steel bar binding are arranged the primary and secondary beam reinforced structural reinforcement binding sequence is ...
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